Red Team VAPT Expert Learning Path

Foundation Phase (6-8 months)

1. Networking Fundamentals (2 months)

2. Operating Systems (2 months)

3. Programming & Scripting (2-4 months)

Technical Skills Phase (8-10 months)

4. Security Fundamentals (2 months)

5. Offensive Security Basics (3 months)

6. Advanced Attack Techniques (3-5 months)

Specialization Phase (6-8 months)

7. Red Team Operations (3 months)

8. Advanced Exploitation (3-5 months)

Professional Development Phase (Ongoing)

9. Continuous Learning

10. Soft Skills Development

Total Estimated Duration: 20-26 months

Key Success Factors

  1. Hands-on practice in labs (HTB, VulnHub, DVWA)
  2. Documentation of methodologies and findings
  3. Building a personal attack framework
  4. Networking with security community
  5. Staying updated with latest threats and techniques
  6. Legal and ethical considerations
  7. Regular participation in CTFs and bug bounties

Recommended Home Lab Setup