Design Patterns in Java

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Quiz Topics

6 Modules

Creational Patterns

5 topics

Abstract Factory Pattern

10 questions

Builder Pattern

10 questions

Factory Method Pattern

10 questions

Prototype Pattern

10 questions

Singleton Pattern

10 questions

Structural Patterns

7 topics

Behavioral Patterns

10 topics

General Principles

5 topics

Java-Specific Considerations

4 topics

Real-World Applications

3 topics
Sample questions

Which of the following statements about the Singleton Pattern in Java is true?

A Singleton class can have multiple instances.

The Singleton Pattern ensures that a class has only one instance.

The Singleton Pattern is used to create a new instance every time it is called.

The Singleton Pattern can be implemented using an enum.

What is the primary purpose of using the Singleton Pattern?

To restrict instantiation of a class to a single object.

To allow multiple instances of a class.

To provide a global point of access to the instance.

To improve performance by caching instances.

Which of the following is a common implementation technique for the Singleton Pattern in Java?

Lazy Initialization

Eager Initialization

Thread-safe Singleton using synchronized method

Static Block Initialization

What is a potential drawback of using the Singleton Pattern?

It can lead to resource wastage.

It introduces global state into an application.

It makes unit testing difficult.

It is not thread-safe by default.

In a thread-safe Singleton implementation using double-checked locking, which of the following statements is correct?

The instance is created inside a synchronized block.

The instance is checked twice before creation.

The volatile keyword is not needed.

It prevents multiple threads from creating multiple instances.

Quiz Topics

6 Modules

Creational Patterns

5 topics

Abstract Factory Pattern

10 questions

Builder Pattern

10 questions

Factory Method Pattern

10 questions

Prototype Pattern

10 questions

Singleton Pattern

10 questions

Structural Patterns

7 topics

Behavioral Patterns

10 topics

General Principles

5 topics

Java-Specific Considerations

4 topics

Real-World Applications

3 topics