Git for version control

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Quiz will ask 20 randomly selected questions with allotted time of . You can take the quiz more than once. Once you submit the quiz, you can review how you have done, the correct the answers for each questions and the explanation for the correct the answer.

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Quiz Topics

8 Modules

Basic Git Commands

6 topics

git add

10 questions

git clone

10 questions

git commit

10 questions

git init

10 questions

git log

10 questions

git status

10 questions

Branching and Merging

5 topics

Remote Repositories

5 topics

Stashing Changes

4 topics

Undoing Changes

4 topics

Git Configuration

4 topics

Advanced Git Features

4 topics

Collaboration Workflows

4 topics
Sample questions

What is the primary purpose of the 'git init' command?

To create a new Git repository.

To clone an existing repository.

To stage changes for commit.

To initialize a new branch.

If you run 'git init' in a directory that already contains a Git repository, what happens?

It overwrites the existing repository.

It initializes a new repository alongside the existing one.

It does nothing and returns a warning.

It resets the existing repository.

After running 'git init', which command would you use to check the status of your repository?

git status

git check

git log

git info

Which of the following is a valid command to initialize a Git repository in a specific directory?

git init my_project

git init ./my_project

git init /path/to/my_project

All of the above

What will happen if you run 'git init' without any arguments?

It initializes a repository in the current directory.

It initializes a repository in the parent directory.

It throws an error.

It initializes a repository in a temporary directory.

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Quiz Topics

8 Modules

Basic Git Commands

6 topics

git add

10 questions

git clone

10 questions

git commit

10 questions

git init

10 questions

git log

10 questions

git status

10 questions

Branching and Merging

5 topics

Remote Repositories

5 topics

Stashing Changes

4 topics

Undoing Changes

4 topics

Git Configuration

4 topics

Advanced Git Features

4 topics

Collaboration Workflows

4 topics