Graph Theory

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Quiz Topics

7 Modules

Basic Concepts

5 topics

Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency List

10 questions

Definition of Graphs

10 questions

Directed vs Undirected Graphs

10 questions

Vertices and Edges

10 questions

Weighted vs Unweighted Graphs

10 questions

Graph Traversal Algorithms

4 topics

Graph Properties

5 topics

Graph Algorithms

5 topics

Graph Theory Applications

5 topics

Advanced Topics

5 topics

Complexity and Optimization

5 topics
Sample questions

Which of the following statements correctly defines a graph?

A graph is a collection of vertices and edges.

A graph is a set of points connected by lines.

A graph consists of nodes and links.

All of the above.

In graph theory, what is the degree of a vertex?

The number of edges connected to the vertex.

The maximum distance from the vertex to any other vertex.

The number of vertices in the graph.

The sum of the weights of the edges connected to the vertex.

What is a complete graph?

A graph where every pair of distinct vertices is connected by a unique edge.

A graph that contains at least one cycle.

A graph that has no edges.

A graph where all vertices have the same degree.

Which of the following types of graphs can contain cycles?


Directed Graph

Undirected Graph

Cyclic Graph

In a bipartite graph, how are the vertices divided?

Into two disjoint sets.

Into three sets.

Into a single set.

Into an arbitrary number of sets.

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Quiz Topics

7 Modules

Basic Concepts

5 topics

Adjacency Matrix and Adjacency List

10 questions

Definition of Graphs

10 questions

Directed vs Undirected Graphs

10 questions

Vertices and Edges

10 questions

Weighted vs Unweighted Graphs

10 questions

Graph Traversal Algorithms

4 topics

Graph Properties

5 topics

Graph Algorithms

5 topics

Graph Theory Applications

5 topics

Advanced Topics

5 topics

Complexity and Optimization

5 topics