Spring Boot Web Framework

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Quiz Topics

11 Modules

Spring Boot Basics

4 topics

Advantages of using Spring Boot

10 questions

Spring Boot Starter Projects

10 questions

Spring Boot vs Spring Framework

10 questions

What is Spring Boot?

10 questions

Spring Boot Configuration

4 topics

Spring Boot Annotations

6 topics

Spring Boot RESTful Web Services

5 topics

Data Access with Spring Boot

5 topics

Spring Boot Security

5 topics

Testing in Spring Boot

5 topics

Spring Boot Actuator

5 topics

Spring Boot DevTools

4 topics

Deployment of Spring Boot Applications

4 topics

Microservices with Spring Boot

5 topics
Sample questions

What is the primary purpose of Spring Boot?

To simplify the development of Java applications

To provide a comprehensive framework for enterprise applications

To enable the creation of stand-alone Spring applications

To replace the need for a web server

Which of the following annotations is used to mark a class as a Spring Boot application?





What is the purpose of the application.properties file in a Spring Boot application?

To define application-specific properties

To configure logging settings

To specify database connection details

To manage environment variables

Which of the following features does Spring Boot provide for dependency management?

Spring Boot Starter POMs

Maven Central Repository integration

Automatic version management

Gradle support

How can you create a RESTful web service using Spring Boot?

By using @RestController annotation

By using @RequestMapping annotation

By configuring a web.xml file

By implementing the HttpServlet interface

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Quiz Topics

11 Modules

Spring Boot Basics

4 topics

Advantages of using Spring Boot

10 questions

Spring Boot Starter Projects

10 questions

Spring Boot vs Spring Framework

10 questions

What is Spring Boot?

10 questions

Spring Boot Configuration

4 topics

Spring Boot Annotations

6 topics

Spring Boot RESTful Web Services

5 topics

Data Access with Spring Boot

5 topics

Spring Boot Security

5 topics

Testing in Spring Boot

5 topics

Spring Boot Actuator

5 topics

Spring Boot DevTools

4 topics

Deployment of Spring Boot Applications

4 topics

Microservices with Spring Boot

5 topics